Tall Person.

About Me

Hello! I’m an actor and writer based out of NYC. I grew up in Northern VA to a family of accountants (thankfully accounting skips a generation) so I didn’t discover my love for performing until I moved to Chicago and found improv. Improv led me to acting classes which led me to short films, plays, features, and now even a Zoom web series.

I’m a graduate of the T.Schreiber Conservatory here in NYC which focuses on film and theatre training. I love to work on both theatre and film but my dream role is to play Lee in Sam Shepard's True West (or another role that requires some demolition).

I really am a tall person! I know, sometimes guys lie about their height on the internet, but I’m 6’5” and one of the friendliest giants you can meet. That doesn’t mean I can’t play a villain though (check out A Very Tight Place in the video section).

Besides acting I have what I believe is a healthy obsession with Bruce Springsteen and also love to read science fiction books. I look forward to collaborating with you and thank you for stopping by.

Let’s work together